GITCandb (A repository and tools for Gastrointestinal tract cancer)

Reference: GITCandb. The manuscript is in process.

Online Webserver Tools

Online Webserver/Tools Brief Description
GDC Data Portal A comprehensive portal providing access to genomic data from the cancer genome atlas.
GEO The Gene Expression Omnibus provides a public database of gene expression data.
ICGC The International Cancer Genome Consortium provides data for genomic analyses of cancer.
COSMIC The Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer.
UCSC Xena A platform for exploring and visualizing multi-omics data in cancer research.
GDSC The Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer project provides a database on the response of cancer cell lines to drugs.
miRBase A database of microRNA sequences and their targets.
UALCAN A comprehensive resource for cancer gene expression and clinical data analysis.
GEPIA2 A web portal for cancer RNA-seq data analysis.
TIMER2 A tool for immune infiltration analysis in cancer.
TNMPlot A tool for visualizing gene expression in cancer.
STRING A database for protein-protein interaction networks.
cBioPortal A platform for exploring cancer genomics data.